Waiting for work to end seems endless, but as soon as you step inside your home, it speeds up and you just get time to make something to eat, and sit yourself down only to notice time has run to fast again.. Only option is to get to bed.
Cant do much else then to walk forward, fallowing the path i've walked to many times. I wish it just once would be covered with beutiful rose petals. To walk forward in a more galmorus path, wiht more to be happy about.. But then if i finally got the joy of a rose petal filled path, i would not be suprised to see all the trees dead or with no leaves, and the ground covered in snow, only to make my workd dull anyhow. Yes im a bit bitter i dan admit. Its rely not that bad i promise.. To be ohnest i would be quite pleased if i only had the figure and the dress of the woman on the picture.. Im easy to please that way.. ;-)
This day went along as all days have in the past. Still nothing to be joyful about. And at the same time nothing to be sad about. Constant "nothingness" that's hard to explain. I truly hope that i very soon get something diffrent and fun to do... Wish me luck...
And i also wish to thank the friendly soul who helps me get up in the morning, thanks your wakeupcall means a lot to me.. *hugs*
Hungry Lucy - Rainfall (Live on City Nights)
"Behind a wall
There is a boy
I've tried to reach
For many years
Each time it rains
I see his face
I offer shelter
He walks away
May you have brighter tomorrows
The past you had was shrouded in deceit
May you be eternally beautiful
The way you are
The way you are
To me
I had the chance
To feel his pain
I didn’t look
Deep inside
My desperate hope
Won’t bring him back
It only kills
The love I have
I walked away
From the waters edge
Feeling numb
From the cold
Now when it rains
I can’t see his face
I am weak
And I have failed"