Bulimia or not, you look good the way you are.
I will always be your friend, even when you only want me to bugger-off
I Wish you could be happy.
If you only knew how great you are, you wouldn't have lost your self within it all.
As long as you're alive, you will have a fan ether you want it or not. I can't hate you as you thought.
Think about you atlest once every day, wonder if I'll hear from you today?
I could pick up the phone and check if you where home.
But I'm only afraid that I would scare you away from me.
All I want is to see you smile.
With those beautiful eyes.
I know its true.. Even if you don't see it through.
How bad you ever feel about yourself, I will always see you as you truly are. The beautiful creature I could so easily love.
But I don't want to hurt you since you'r Bulimia has tared you down.
I just wish you'd smile.
Walk with me some murky night.
And give me a hug, before you leave me and say "Good night".
//Jezz 2008-07-17

Trying to defeat shadows when alone, is there rely a point?
Fighting to fit into ths world, is it worth it if you try to do it all by yourself?
Could I be more alone? No, not at this time.. Only question I can answer tho.
Over & Out //Jezz