Of joy & sorrow my dear.
You sit down there, shed your tears.
Drown the world in a flood.
Poison is within your blood.
Addicted to your love.
There's so many things,
that has to be told.
To whoever that might care.
Come to me if you dare.
Nights alone I stare.
This life isn't fare.
Don't know how much more of this i can bare.
Of joy & sorrow my dear.
You don't even know I'm here.
Someday you might read,
these words and shed a single tear.
I just want to hold you near.
Be there for you, with you, love you.
My dear....
Of joy & sorrow...
Of pain & rejoice...
Of life & death...
Until I get to see you again.
Don't know what will remain....
-Jezz 20080504You sit down there, shed your tears.
Drown the world in a flood.
Poison is within your blood.
Addicted to your love.
There's so many things,
that has to be told.
To whoever that might care.
Come to me if you dare.
Nights alone I stare.
This life isn't fare.
Don't know how much more of this i can bare.
Of joy & sorrow my dear.
You don't even know I'm here.
Someday you might read,
these words and shed a single tear.
I just want to hold you near.
Be there for you, with you, love you.
My dear....
Of joy & sorrow...
Of pain & rejoice...
Of life & death...
Until I get to see you again.
Don't know what will remain....
Angelzoom - Fairyland
Explanation? Do you rely need one? Well, perhaps not all need that explanation, but I know there's at least a couple of ppl out there that will need to know why..
Simple rely.. There is a person in my general surroundings during the days, that I want to get to know more, alto our "life perception" differs, we might be a match.. Don't know that yet, therefor I have to get to get closer to this person. Have no idea of how that can be done.. Therefore I'm a mix of confusion at the moment.. Should I be bold and go for it? Or should I be patient? Since I'm an expert of being pessimistic, the only feeling that I get is: "It will not happen to me anyways".........
Why you might ask?
Well, it's quite simple rely.. But however.. I can't revel it, the ones who need to know, well... They know it...
This says some of it all.....
Lene Marlin - Unforgivable Sinner
I'm in what feels & seems to be an eternal fall downwards. My only hope is to finally stop this bad spiral so that I can start climbing upwards again, hopefully never to fall again.
Rotersand - One Level Down
Awoke and found myself
Lying on a wooden floor
Thought this had come to an end
I won't be shattered anymore
But the floor slipped to the walls
And had me crashing down again
One level down, another round,
One battle lost, when will I reach the final ground?
One level down, what have I found?
Time and again I'm lying shattered on the ground
Where did I fail, did I go wrong?
There is no crime I could confess
I just keep tossing floor to floor -
This must be purgatory's taste
And as I fall I'm crying out "I do surrender"
I know there is no end, no soil will ever hold me safe