Well, I've been kinda semi-away for a while... And I think that there's a plan, not sure of how it will look like yet... The solution might involve me moving to a bigger city. That or moving to a bigger apartment. And since I refuse to move into another apartment, that only means that I have to get a house to move into. Not sure yet how it will be... But changes has to be made around here if I will ever be able to get my life sorted out.
In other news, I've managed to get one of my friends interested in getting a HTC (Dopod) mobile phone, have to chat with my friend 'mcutecat' about that as soon as she comes online again. Sheesh these time difference..
And met a friend that I had wanted to meet up with for a long, I enjoyed the meeting & the places we visited among the way, and I hope she also had fun, hope to see you again soon. But then more "in person" then this first time.
This was it for today.. Over & out // Jezz