A stone. Green in colour, mystical, and powerful. I can sence you when i gently caress it. I sence that you feel many feelings cimilar to mine. What I do not know, is how you feel about me. My feelings for you are still strong. I can not doubt them, as well as I wount ignore them. I'm here for you, always my dear. As long as you want me..
Just hope you feel that to.
I have always worn your stone, i wanted something from you to always stay near to me, always as close to my skin as possible.
Much things going on wich i cant controll.. On the other hand there's no way for me to control them eaven if I wanted to. The only thing to do is to try to stay awake, and focus on what's important, even tho the lack of energy.
One thing is comming to an end soon... I cant say that it's something that I want to do. But it's a must. There's no way to get past it without any scars. I just hope that it will be done with the least pain for any of us, only thing i hope, is that you still love me as deep as I still love you. Otherwise all of this life will be nothing worth anymore.
Sorry Wing, but since I'm an fallen angel, theres a need to show this last image for todays entry.
And thank you Älvöga, without you'r support there would be no way for me to survive. Thanks for being out there..

"Wenn er ihr Fleisch mit seinem menschlichen Körper verschlungen hat,
dann ist er in der Lage das Tor zur Hölle zu öffnen
und alles , was wir kennen hört auf zu existieren.
Ihr könnt ihr nicht mehr helfen,
aber vielleicht kann ich ihre Seele retten.
You’re walking through the streets at night
And your heart is full of pain
You don’t know where to go
Your life is full of hate and fears
You feel so lost and you feel alone
You’re looking for a change in your life
Komm’ mit uns , gib’ uns deine Hand
Komm’ zu uns ins Königreich der Nacht
You hate to be a human being
You hate to be so sick and weak
You don’t deserve a life like this
You don’t believe in what they do
I know you are one of us
We are the angels of the dark
We’re everything you’ll ever need
We have the darkness on our side
It will guide us to a better life
No more fear and no more pain
We will protect you eternally
The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
You hate to be a human being
You hate to be so sick and weak
You don’t deserve a life like this
You don’t believe in what they do
I know you are one of us
We are the angels of the dark
We’re everything you’ll ever need
We have the darkness on our side
It will guide us to a better life
The world is dying without faith
Only we will win this game
You will find a better life
In a world without sacrifice
No more fear and no more pain
We will protect you eternally
The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
The world is dying without faith
Only we will win this game
You will find a better life"
Blutengel - Angels Of The Dark