Strange how we are constantly encuraged to be ourselves - yet we are still afraid to show who we realy are?
Who am I to complain on another person's sexuality? Just about as much as someone has the "right" to complain to me about mine. Sounds easy and not that complicated? Everything is so much easyer just by talking or thinking about it, doing - now there we have something completly different.
Things might have been a lot better if it had been official a long time ago? I dont know, and ohnestly I dont want to think about it neather.
Instead I hide, shadowing myself from the world, the people that realy need to know, to be able to help. I can never be healed as long as my life stays like this.
How come we fear to be ourselves? Why is it so hard? It's just words? It's just one world, one life. It have to get worce before it can get any better as far as i know - well about now I've reached rock bottom. Lets see if there's a way out.
Metallica - The Unforgiven
Metallica - Unforgiven II