Friday, August 28, 2009

Cough up that hairball

Legion of cuddly things.
Ignoring the handling hands.
Forever trying to reach.
Only to be bit by hungry teeth.
My fluffy friend.
Bite me once again.
I Tell you this my friend.
Don't have that thought again.
It's cold out in the rain.

Find your star.
Your goal.
Aim high.
Tho don't expect miracles.
Meet me in between.
Where nothing is as it seem.

-Jezz 2009-08-29

Well. This is kinda how I feel, do the pic need an explanation? Let me know in comments if so and I'll explain.
But for now. Please enjoy Substance of Shade!!

Substance of Shade - Numeric Fields

Substance of Shade - Lovesong

Substance of Shade - Reality