Tings took a bad turn during 2007, tings i wish not to speak of. Mistakes have been made, and I have to take the blame personally. Dont want to say why, the ppl who deserve to know - know. The only thing that can be told, is that it have had such a negative influence in my life, that im not sure if I will survive this time, no i wount kill myself. But things will be tough, anyhow this year have to suck bigtime before being any worce then 2007.. So I hope for the better. I hope for 2008 to bring me some joy in life. Since i practically lost everything - eaven tho I gained some new friends, my life is empty in the most important way, you can figure out yourself what's missing since I wount tell.
Well here's a picture for you Wing.. :-P

But some things might solve it all?? Or something to finally solve what i need, solve it all & let me feel that I belong.
Belong where you might ask? You figure it out.
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