The Shaman or as it's also called Shamanism.
The shaman can be both male or female and if you read about them you might find one or two things a bit interesting. Mostly the shamanism practice is done to communicate with spirits in general, there are loads if different ways to do so I don't have the time to write all about this so I will just give you the link to Wikipedia's page about this subject for your own reading if you are interested.
I must mention that some of the 'tribes' I admire is the native people of USA so called "Indians" and Australia, called "Aburiginals". Lived of the land, and was greatful to the spirits for giving them the food they need. Just to take one example, the Cheyenne tribe. Can't help but be fashinated by these tribes, their crafts and how they lived of the land. It's a true shame that the "white man came" and took their land, and by that, their way of life away from them.
To cut to the chase & round it up, I have to mention one of the swedis present day "shamans", Iodine Jupiter, wich is the treat for today, among with another great old song.
So frist, I present - Iodine Jupiter and the song "Stäm Blod", translation of lyrics will follow below.
(This translation is just made by me, perhaps not that accurate keep that in mind)
Iodine Jupiter - Summon Blood
Sorcery speaking thought - buria balta bloria.
Sorcery speaking thought - buro berto beriora,
Take blood from your wound and write a paper note "buro berto beriora" and throw uppon the fire.
I say these words to you "Summon blood",
There stood a tree on zion's mountain, under it stood a man, in the shadow of it's stem.
Take bark from that stem and putt oppun your wound so shall there stand uppon three names, god father the son and the holy spirit, blood stand blood,
so through satan grease his shoe behind hell's wall an sunday morning.
ABO BINDA I bind their hands,
KABO LINDA I bind their teeth,
TABO VINDA I bind their liver,
ABO BINDA I bind their lung,
KABO LINDA I bind their tounge,
TABO VINDA I summon you in blood.
I Give you a belief.
Sorcery speaking thought - buria balta bloria
Sorcery speaking thought - buro berto beriora.
Take blood from your wound and write a paper note "buria balta bloria" and throw uppon the fire...
(There, and no I am not christian or by any other religion tied, I am my own spirit and thank the one's I deal with personally not by some other name.)
And as an bonus an classic, Pink Floyd with their great song "Brick in the wall".
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