To the mountains I fled.
Away from it all.
I found a cave,
where I can hide from myself.
Wither in memory of her grace.
The one I loved the most.
Even when I shut my eyes,
I see her face.
Every time.
When she looked at me,
with her pretty eyes.
I Had no idea,
that she was a vixen in disguise.
I do miss everything I once had,
And now it's lost,
all gone bad.
Did I do wrong?
I Never ment you harm.
Cause with you is where my heart belong.
Where there's pain,
someone sings my song.
I cry in vain,
nothing remains the same.
I always have to fail this game.
Over and over again.
Only thing that remain,
is yet more pain.
//Jezz -080126

There is nothing more needed to be told. Things are what they are, the past cant be changed.
Can't forget, no i wount forget.
Nelly Furtado - All Good Things (Come To An End)
Static-X - So
Over & Out //Jezz
~~= >.< =~~
>.< O.o
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