Is this the only thing I can look forward to? The Grim Reaper, no I don't fear him, yet I don't want to meet him yet. Still so much incomplete, so much that I want to experience. A Life less lived, is A life wasted.
Replace that figure in the mist. With what you desire, what you want in life. There's no return, there's no way back now. Look forward, move forward. "Never give up, never surrender" - Galaxy Quest
I may be a tough person, where many would have given up, I still move on. Why you might ask?
Don't rely got a good answer to that. But somewhere within, I know that this life will bring me something. All I have to do, is be patient, and move move on after each time I get pinned down.
The 5 best things of my life so far:
- Listening to music & that i got to watch Moonspell Live
- My ex GF (even tho it ended in disaster).
- My true few remaining friends.
- The day I got my driverslicense.
- Fishing with my dad.
- The fact that I'm living alone.
- My car needs to be repaired.
- Never seem to get enough money for all expences.
- The disaster mentioned above.
- Feels like I'm trapped in this corner.
They say that when you die, you get to heaven.... But what if you're all ready dead, and this is hell?
Well, think about it - theres temptation everywhere, everybody's more good looking then you, have better hair, skin or cimilar. We're surrounded by hell.
Don't know what to believe, since it cant get any worse then this.
But, when your life's on the bottom, you can always consult this guy:

My true few remaining friends. << I suppose I'm one of the lucky them? :P
The day I got my driverslicense. << Oh.. Really that special? (I don't know how to drive..... yet >_<)
Fishing with my dad. << Sweet sweet~
The fact that I'm living alone. << Hey! How about S & K?????
My car needs to be repaired. << I'll help you kick kick it! :P
Never seem to get enough money for all expences. << Add oil!!!!!
Yes you are.
Yes, getting driverslicence is a unique feeling.
Fishing is fun, and good eating also.
S & K are not people, they are cats, bigg difference, the only thing they can do is make my pain a bit less, but not cure it in full.
Kicking it wont help I'm afraid, still needs to be checked by a mecanical shop.
Gonna need a whole lotta oil.. :-P
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