When you're alone.
Dark recipie of a dark brew.
Everything is a lie.
Nothing is true.
A mixture of boiling thoughts.
Tearing down your walls.
Creating internal wars.
Hilight of far away existance.
Big shadow of mistrust.
Big cloud of resistance.
Mindless indulgance.
Creative corrotion
Of a diffuse mind.
Words that hurt my soul.
Never more.
Never should.
When you're alone.
Don't let the thoughts come.
Cause they will devour your soul.
//Jezz 2009-09-28
Is it important to keep your dreams alive? I like to say yes..
Without dreams we humans are nothing. Without a dream there's no future.
Even so, many peoples dreams get crushed by others.
For example, if Nikolai Tesla had been given an honest chance to develop his visions, who knows what life today would have looked like? But no, the genral public put him down. Declaired him "a mad scientist", and alienated him.
Same behavior of the general public is still seen today, if you dont fit the grid.... You're out of here!
Tho according to some resources ppl who are odd, diffrent from the rest of the sheep, most often have more to contribute within a work enviroment. Still, they get ostracized, for being themselves.. Unlike the rest of the sheep herd, who's mainly is a bunch of ass-kissers and self admierers.
Bah, I've said enough.. //Jezz
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