Quote taken from the link mentioned above:
" This is at the point in the RP where Shyl is so close to death and sick with poison it has caused a fever.. He lies in a grassy field among the tall trees, unable to move.. The spirit of his love Hanna cuddles in his arms, wanting to offer comfort in any way she can.. Shyl feels that death would be better than to return to the pain of life without the one he loves near to him.. He does not die, but he comes close. "
Oh yeah I came close, yet still I had no "spirit" to hold me, still don't. They say "Alone is the stongest", these days i somewhat agree. But still I'd rather not die alone. I only get a taste of how it's like to be happy... Only to immediately be struck down back into my dark hole. To answer your question, "have you ever been truly happy?".. I Can only say, that i honestly don't know, don't believe that I've ever have so far, only a small taste here and there, only to end up with a more miserable life then before.
And so far I don't know if I can manage to save myself from here. My most hope is that someone finds me and carries me out of here. Got to be a brave soul, and that's not easy to find.
Cranberries - Promises
As a scarecrow I could have fun.
I Could make them all run.
Cuddle up in fear.
Noone would dare to look at me.
Over & Out //Jezz