Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here are the correct answers to the little "test":
1. ASP - Me
2. ASP Feat Chamber - The Paper Hearted Ghost (link pending)
3. Emilie Autumn - Liar (prefered ASP mix)
4. Frank The Baptist - Call The Tune
5. Hungry Lucy - Alfred

A little tough that time, will make an easyer one some day in the future..

Somehow I can't let this song go, it always pops up into my thoughts. I sometimes even sing it for myself at work.. Probably have mentioned it before in my blog. Tho it can never be spoken enough about.

Army Of Lovers - Obsession

1 comment:

Keiju said...

That song is so wonderful Jezz! I like to listen to songs that have a mening in thier lyrics
